Saturday, 18 April 2020

I Can't Seem To Bond With These Dolls...

Have you ever bought a doll only to discover that you don't much like it? That has happened to me a few times. I snatched up dolls I thought I really wanted or I thought were going to sell out fast, only for me to realize I don't like them.

Now the dilemma - still add them to my doll community with minor roles or sell them? (I've never sold a doll before because the shipping costs where I live are prohibitive.) I'm between 2 minds...

Here are some of the dolls I can't seem to bond with:

This fashionista was cute in the promo pics but, having her in hand, I'm not a fan.

I was so sure I was going to love this girl. Before I got her I had been liking pictures of her that other people posted online. Then I got her and... meh. I even put her on an mtm body to see if my liking for her would increase with articulation but to no avail.

This doll is my most disappointing purchase. I like the Bambi facemold just fine. A doll with a short haircut? Yes! Bangs? Sure. But somehow Mattel managed to mess this face up. I don't know what it is...maybe her eyes are too big for her face. Whatever it is, I can't seem to grow fond of her.

Which dolls do you regret buying?

Finally!... sort of...